More email security tips

Ever wonder how a certain VP candidate and a Simple Life celebrity got their email hacked? Their "forgot your password" questions were too obvious.

You'll get very good tips on email security from the article Being Smart About Web Mail.

The article also alludes to Gmail as being more secure than Hotmail and Yahoo Mail.


Hacking Gmail via WiFi

How easy is it for someone to hack into your gmail account? Apparently it's pretty easy for someone with the right knowhow and equipment to steal your username and password. Watch the video from Defcon 2007 and view the slideshows from Wirelessly hacking Gmail and more - tutorial.


Best Free Firewalls

Having a firewall is one of the basics of protecting yourself when surfing public wifi. Two fo the best free firewalls are Comodo Firewall Pro and Online Armor Personal Firewall.

Visit Matousec's Firewall Challenge for a list of the best free and piad firewalls.

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